Unlike typical western classes a horse doesn’t need to show in a curb at a certain age, and the development of gaits is done as a progression of training through the levels, rather than requiring collection right from the start. Each level adds new movements that build upon the skills proven in the last level.
Absolutely any size, shape, breed, age, colour of horse is welcome.
Gaited horses too!
You don’t have to braid. No more mane pulling, roaching, or worrying that your horse is rubbing out its braids while you change into show clothes for your class.
A clean, neat and tidy groom job is all that is required.
No white breeches. If you are like some of us and can’t help but look like a grubby little kid after a few minutes of putting on your sparkling whites, then you will appreciate the dress code of Western Dressage.
Competition wear includes a western hat or helmet, long sleeve shirt, boots with a proper heel, and long pants (chaps optional).
No restrictions on color or sparkle!
Aside from the boots and hat, you can literally buy your show clothes anywhere.
You can go bitless. Or with a snaffle. Or with a curb. Western Dressage does have some limits on what type of bits or bitless options you can use, but there are definitely more choices available to horse and rider.
A jog is easier to sit than a trot. In western style dressage the gaits are meant to be easy to sit. Judges are looking for overall "pleasure to ride" rather than some of the more dramatic movement we see in classical dressage.
A suitable, competitive horse can cost less. Because western dressage is open to absolutely all horses - your horse is already perfect for this sport.
All breeds are well suited to western dressage.
The gaits are achievable. The gaits in western dressage (working, collected, lengthened and free) are more within reach of all horses making it accessible to everyone.
A pleasant, trainable horse will take you far.
Gaited horses can participate. Both Canada and the US have dressage tests and rules specifically for gaited breeds within western dressage.
Western Dressage is something to consider for all riders who like the format and progressive nature of dressage, and who appreciate the differences Western Dressage offers.
If you happen to see a western dressage class at your next show, we recommend taking the time to check it out and see if it's something you may be interested in.
Or better yet - contact us and come watch a practice or participate in one of our events!